Tuesday, October 27, 2009


According to the Washington Times, the Obama administration has managed to make the White House into the worlds fanciest VFW hall. For a mere $30,400 private donation or $300,000 bundle, you, too, can have VIP access to the White House and senior White House officials.

The perks include:
  • A birthday visit to the Oval Office
  • A round of golf with Dear Leader
  • Lavish receptions at the White House
  • A game of bowling with the family at the White House alley
  • A private screening of your favorite movie in the basement theater

The DNC has also availed themselves of the White House prestige by hosting fundraisers on the premises, much as peons like you and I might rent out a VFW hall. Well, except that when we host a party, we don't require our guests to pay thousands of dollars to attend, as a general rule.

George W. Bush held fundraisers at Camp David and his Crawford ranch, but drew the line at the White House. This is probably because of all the flack Bill Clinton got for selling nights in the Lincoln bedroom. It will be interesting to see if the Neo Pravda media pick this story up. Fox didn't break it, so there is a chance, at least.

Considering Clinton got a lot of grief for his sale of access to the White House, there is certainly precedence for going after Obama on this, but the odds are good he will get a pass on this, too.

For me the piece de resistance was the quote from the deputy White House communications director, Dan Pfieffer:

""This administration has across the board set the toughest ethics standards in history. As a result, we have reduced special-interest influence over the policymaking process to promote merits-based decision-making," he added."

I haven't laughed so hard in years!

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