Sunday, November 29, 2009


Well, the jig is up, and, in a last-ditch desperate effort, the shakedown gets a little more obvious.

UN Climate Chief Yvo de Boer is calling for rich nations to 'contribute' $10 billion a year in order to 'kick-start immediate action up to 2012'

The money would help developing countries cope with ocean flooding, drought and other effects of climate change, while also helping them cut down on emissions of global-warming gases. The funds might eventually come from new sources, such as a tax on airline flights, but negotiators for now are seeking quicker infusions.

This is a redistribution of wealth on a global scale.  What is this money for? 

In scores of nations, money will be needed to build coastal protection, modify or shift crops threatened by drought, build water supply and irrigation systems, preserve forests, improve health care to deal with diseases spread by warming, and move from fossil-fuel to low-carbon energy systems, such as solar and wind power.

...In fact, much of the funding would go to "capacity building" — training, planning, getting a fix on needs, local emissions and related concerns.

Upfront money would also help rebuild trust between the rich north and poor south, eroded by years of relative inaction on climate, particularly by the United States.
Wow.  Is it just me, or is that last line reminiscent of reparations, except this time the big, bad US has victimized not just the southern US, but the whole southern hemisphere?   

And what will be a main source of conversation at Copenhagen, you ask?  As if you didn't know:

Finance expert Ballesteros expects Copenhagen to narrow the focus of talks next year on sources for longer-term, richer adaptation funding, such as a levy on international air transport, sharing in proceeds from the growing trade in carbon emission allowances, or even a global levy on carbon emissions.
 In case you're not exactly sure what all of that means, it means non-elected UN officials will be levying world-wide taxes on all of the rich nations and distributing the wealth as they see fit. 

What is the oversight or checks and balances on this system? 

Sometimes there really are conspiracies of global proportions.  This scam, because of the ClimateGate emails, is a heartbeat from imploding, but our 'leaders' have become, surprisingly enough, even more brazen. 

Sadly enough, our leaders are merely bickering on price at this point - there is no talk whatsoever of whether the money is necessary or not and whether, in the face of the climate email scandal, the science is even legitamate at this point. 

Above and beyond all that, where is all this money coming from? 

Are the other countries going to pony up a fraction of the amount, and expect us to pick up the tab again - as usual? 

Will we have to borrow the money they expect us to pay from China?  And if so, doesn't the fact that we have to borrow the money automatically put us into the 'poor' category?

We must put pressure on our elected officials to halt all funding of AGW projects until the science is further investigated.  There is far too much corrupt information coming to light.

We must be loud and implacable in the face of this attempted global coup. 


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