Thursday, November 5, 2009


Today, at Rep. Michelle Bachman's (R-MN) invitation, thousands of Americans will be flooding Capitol Hill in protest of Nancy Pelosi's behemoth health care bill.

She is calling for Tea Party protesters and other concerned citizens to not only stand outside the Capitol building in protest - she is also opening the doors so that constituents can visit their representatives and express their concerns in person.

It's time they were reminded who works for whom.

If you can't make it to D.C., fear not, you can still participate.

For those unable to make the trip, there is Operation HouseCall. Take a few minutes today to call or email (or both) your representative about the health care legislation. Please remember to use your best manners - bad behavior only makes the opposition stronger.

The Tea Party Patriots website has all the information you need to send a message to your Congressperson.

Let's melt the phone lines, shut down the servers and put the fear of American voter backlash into those Blue Dogs on the Hill.

It''s time to remind them (again) of the power of the people.

Let Pelosi know her Miracle Pill just won't work. Have fun storming the castle!

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